Product Applications

Wind Plant Optimization
As the global wind industry matures, more and more emphasis is being placed on wind plant operations. Owners and operators are focusing on increasing annual energy production and reducing operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. Increasing the production of a wind plant by only 1 to 2 percent makes an enormous difference in project economics, while increasing reliability and optimizing O&M practices drives down the levelized cost of energy.
Maintenance costs, both unscheduled and scheduled, typically comprise 30-40 percent of the total operating expense of a wind farm. The biggest drivers of these maintenance costs are the main components of the turbine: the main bearing, gearbox, generator, and blades. Unfortunately, wind turbine drivetrains are not reaching 20 year lifetimes, and many of them suffer from component failures after several years of operation. These failures can be costly—replacing a failed gearbox can often cost in excess of $300,000, without accounting for turbine downtime.
NRG provides solutions to operators and OEMs who are aiming to cut maintenance costs and optimize their plants. Our Turbine Control Solutions and Lidar technology provide the data you need to maximize the profitability of your project.